
Understanding Human Behaviour

An Introduction to Sociology by Dr Timothy Curtis, University of Northampton.

Objective: to be able to see social structures at work in our lives and distinguish them from psychological traits and experiences.

This module is designed to allow you to ‘think sociologically’ about your own work contexts and challenges that you going to be encountering in your studies and work life. It has been modified from material that was created for first year social work students. There are lots of simplifications at play in this material, in order for it to remain accessible and relatively short, but I hope it is helpful.

It isn’t designed to ‘teach’ you sociology (because it is a huge and woolly  monster of a topic), but instead, to help you use sociological ideas and research to frame and inform your work practice.

I would like to than all the students involved in the classes, for sharing their ideas, thoughts and confusions, and most of all, for their honesty.

Dr Tim Curtis, January 2022


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