Launch of BIIG Ideas Fund

This month sees the launch of the Business Ideas & Innovation Grant (BIIG).

Are you working with a small business or organisation on a project/idea that could be progressed with our internal BIIG Competitive Fund? Open to all University led projects with businesses and organisations to work together to boost growth and development of ideas. You can apply for a grant of up to £5,000 which equates to approximately 8-14 days of staff time depending on your seniority and if additional resources or equipment is required.

Suggestions for activity include:

  • Apply with an organisation you are already working with
  • Use the fund to develop links with new organisations
  • Help kick start an idea into a larger project, a KTP or funding bid, consultancy or research opportunities
  • Support REF and research outcomes – could this help develop a paper or contribute towards an ongoing impact case study?

We can provide more guidance on the grant and help develop your project application. We are also signposting to other support mechanisms through projects such as Time2Grow and Alphas.

The funds need to be spent by May/June 2021.   This is an internal competitive application process and all applications will be scored against a matrix.  For an initial conversation please email 

Application Guidance Notes and Funding Timeline can be found here

Deadline for companies to complete an Expressions of Interest is Friday, 9th October. Applications open to academics on Wednesday, 7th October. Interested in applying? Download an application form here