The Seaside-Emily Bailey and Alyson Plumb

The Seaside is often a topic in the Early Years, we decided to explore resources available on Purple Mash and Communication4All. If you click the links below it will download a word document with QR codes to access our examples and direct you to the appropriate resources.

Seaside-QR-Codes-20fxquk  image1

QR codes for ICT

These can be used across the curriculum; story telling for Literacy (we’ve linked it with The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch but there are many more you could use), the deep sea diver could be linked with history- finding old artefacts under the sea and talking about them using the record button, the brochure can be linked to Geography- considering where the seaside is etc. and you can also do a green screen for this (which we didn’t have time to do) of the children being at the place and talking about it. The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch can also link to Science–> creating a pulley and lever and you could use time lapse or hyper lapse to see this process being carried out.

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