The Magical Adventure – Puppet Pals.

This is a story about two friends who go on an adventure to find the magical medicine. During their travels they make some great new friends that help them on their way.

During session one Bria and I spent a lot of time on the preparation and script for the story. A lot of time was spent on the script as Bria and I wanted the story to have rhyming words to make the story more catchy and appealing to children and children with SEN. We decided that the story should be a fairy-tale as it would be more interesting for children.

The app would be perfect for SEN children to use as it is very easy to use and create a story. The app is also very colourful therefore appealing for all children no matter what ability. Although the app does restrict what you could do a story on.

Bria and I agreed that using the Puppet Pals app was great fun and we would use this app whilst teaching.



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