Animoto – PowerPoint’s Competition in the Classroom


Animoto (Online):

I have mentioned Animoto and its use on placement previously in my blog… but since then I have looked into it further.

Click here for a direct link to my Animoto slideshow and the website itself!
As expressed before, I think Animoto has huge potential in a classroom. It enables teachers to give children a significant amount of information, but in a fun, attention-grabbing and lively way. I can see this predominantly being used in assemblies or even in a classroom, as a starter, to introduce a new topic. It can have a great influence appropriate questioning and discussion.
I specifically designed the Animoto presentation above for use in an assembly, in order to make children aware of why bonfire night, and why it is a significant celebration in the UK. This can be supported, and differentiated, through further discussion in year groups following the presentation – through talk partners, or allowing children a few mins for extra research into Bonfire Night. The only negative would be it’s reliance on the internet – I’m sure many of you are aware that it can get a bit touch and go! So make sure you have a back up plan!! 😉

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