Session 2

What a great start to PGCE ICT!

Many of you are already sharing your new blogs via the page above and we are really impressed with your work so far. You have made excellent use of the themes and there are already some fascinating posts about curriculum changes, the use of social networking tools and honest accounts of your experiences of ICT in schools. We’ve also seen your tweets appearing on the screens around the School of Education and had many ‘follow’ requests and a few direct messages. It has been fun to see our PGCE online community beginning to evolve in this way (we are @helencaldwel and @garethhon by the way and don’t forget to use #unsoe).




Some of you were asking whether you could blog about other things besides ICT. That is fine, and we can imagine that your blog will be a good place to talk about many aspects of this exciting year. Please could you use an ‘ICT’ tag so that we can assess the ICT posts. Also take care to follow your school guidelines if you blog about your school experiences.

This week we are exploring interactive whiteboards and presentation software. We’ll have some hands-on with the whiteboard and visualiser and also think about the software and tools you can use to make the most of them. Gareth has been posting about interactive whiteboards. I have posted about presentation software, including eBook-making.

I have also made some sets of bookmarks using a tool called Sqworl which will be useful in the session. There is one set of bookmarks on Interactive Whiteboards, one on Presentation software and one on Apps for English, which has links to a selection of iPad apps.

At the end of this week’s session we’ll group you in threes (using student group from Triptico) to think about creating a curriculum resource or set of materials for using IWBs and presentation software in the classroom.  You can have a look through these Project ideas in advance if you like.

Your directed task this week will be to use your blog and twitter to comment and reflect on the session, making a comparison of tools. Also comment on your browsing and reading, supported by relevant links, and begin to think about how you will work together on making a resource.


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