Experiences of Deaf and Hearing Impaired Project Update – January

After a long Christmas holiday Helen and I returned full of energy and ready for action. Since then, we put together our ethics form, participant letter of consent and have completed thorough literature searching to re-confirm what we already knew: the information on the topic of Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in Higher Education is limited and, as a result, the voices of those students need to be strengthened through any possible means. We are proud that one of those will be our research. 

While we are waiting for the Ethics panel to complete their review, we will continue to modify our interview questions, conduct our pilot study and read relevant literature. Once our research has been approved, the information will be passed on to Student Records who will be forwarding our request for voluntary participation in our research to relevant students. We are hoping that many will come forward so as to enable us to put a rigorous and informative research review together. Our research will aim to improve the student experience for UoN students that are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and enrich the understanding of members of staff to adapt their approach and include the perspective of this student population. Thank you for your support and we look forward to hearing your views.

Helen and Tereza

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