Credits & Further Reading


‘Calling students to adventure: Using the hero’s journey as a tool for curriculum planning and reviewing course design’ was created by Dr Alke Gröppel-Wegener and Robert Farmer

The images used in this project were created by Amy Rose and Adam Watkins

References and further reading

Ballard, N., Jackson, S., Daley, K. and Calder, S. (n.d.) The Heroine Journeys Project [online]. Available from:

Campbell, J. (1993) The Hero with a Thousand Faces. London: Fontana.

Doig, A. (2015) The Hero’s Journey through Online Learning. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, Southampton, March 30 – April 1.

Davis, K. W. and Weeden, S. R. (2009) Teacher as trickster on the learner’s journey. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(2), pp.70-81.

Farmer, R. (2019) The Hero’s Journey in Higher Education: A Twelve Stage Narrative Approach to the Design of Active, Student-Centred University Modules. Innovative Practice in Higher Education, 3(3), pp.1-21. Available from:

Follo, G. (2002) A hero’s journey – young women among males in forestry education. Journal of Rural Studies, 18, pp.293–306.

Goldstein, L. (2005) Becoming a teacher as a hero’s journey: using metaphor in preservice teacher education. Teacher Education Quarterly, 32(1), pp.7-24.

Gothard, B. (1999) Career as a myth. Psychodynamic Counselling, 5(1), pp.87-97.

Halstead (2000) From Tragedy to Triumph – Counselor as Companion on the Hero’s Journey. Counseling and Values, 44(2), pp.100-106.

Holmes, T. (2007) The hero’s journey: an inquiry-research model. Teacher Librarian, 34(5), pp.19-22.

Küntzel, Bastian (2019) The Learner’s Journey: Storytelling as a Design Principle to Create Powerful Learning Experiences. Norderstedt: Books on Demand. Available from:

Lawson, G. (2005) The Hero’s Journey as a Developmental Metaphor in Counseling. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 44(2), pp.134–144.

Mayes, C. (2010) The Archetypal Hero’s Journey in Teaching and Learning: A Study in Jungian Pedagogy. Madison: Atwood Publishing.

Murdock, M. (1990) The Heroine’s Journey. Boston: Shambhala Publications.

Murdock, M. (2016) The Heroine’s Journey. In: Leeming, D. A. (ed.) (2016) Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. New York: Springer. Available from:

Noble, K. (1994) The sound of a silver horn: Reclaiming the heroism in contemporary women’s lives. New York: Ballantine.

O’Shea, S. and Stone, C. (2014) The hero’s journey: Stories of women returning to education. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 5(1), pp.79-81.

Parks, J. G. (1996) The teacher as bag lady. College Teaching, 44(4), pp.132-6.

Randles (2012) The ‘Hero’s Journey’: A Way of Viewing Music Teacher Socialization. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 22(1), pp.11–19.

Robertson, D. and Lawrence, C. (2015) Heroes and Mentors: A Consideration of Relational-Cultural Theory and ‘The Hero’s Journey.’ Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 10(3), pp.264-277.

Seary, K., and Willans, J. (2004). It’s more than just academic essays and rules of mathematics: Travelling the road with heroes on the STEPS journey as they convert the milestones of their learning journey into signposts for their future. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 44(3), pp.306-326.

Simpson, J. and Coombes, P. (2001). Adult learning as a hero’s journey: Researching mythic structure as a model for transformational change. Queensland Journal of Educational Research, 17(2), pp.164-192.

Vogler, C. (1998) The Writer’s Journey, 2nd Edition. Studio City: Michael Wiese.