Waste Stories 30/10/2017


The Healthcare Waste and Resources Research Group

1. Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’ Sustainability report

Read the report here

2. Organisations required for the Group’s student experience programme

The Group is looking for organisations that would be willing to support a student for its ‘2-day work experience’ programme. The programme is now in its third year, and previously has been undertaken with various organisations including SRCL, Bywaters and Grundon, with positive feedback both from the students and the organisations. It offers the opportunity to facilitate the entry of students/future employees into the sector. The expenses for the students’ travel, accommodation and subsistence will be paid by the Group, using monies generated from its seminars. If you are interested, please email terry.tudor@northampton.ac.uk.

3. Rushlight Awards

The Rushlight Awards are designed specifically to support and promote all the latest clean technologies, innovations and initiatives for businesses and other organisations throughout UK, Ireland and internationally.

There are separate categories for each of the renewable energies, clean fuels, transport, energy efficiency, power generation and storage, resource, water, sustainable manafacturing, clean environment and deployment initiatives.

To enter, click here

4. Viridor works with the University of Sheffield on a robotics project

Robotics, cobotics and hive robots – all are innovative technology which, if correctly harnessed for the waste industry, could have a significant impact on plant safety and efficiency, according to recycling, resources and renewable energy company, Viridor.

Viridor has spent two years working with the University of Sheffield on projects which have very practical and specific applications.

Read more here

5. Circular economy investment fund for Scotland opens

Energy businesses with innovative ideas to help future-proof the industry are being urged to access up to a million pounds of funding and support to unlock new sustainable business opportunities.

For more information, click here


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