What would our trainees like?

We asked our trainees, who are studying on either the BA(Hons) Primary Education or the Primary Education PGCE, to help us to figure out what videos they would find most useful and in what subjects.

We used the JISC online survey tool. We secured ethical clearence for all research associated with our project . The two questions were…

  1. Please select the 6 [pedacogical skills] that are most relvant to you, and 
  2. Please select the subjects where you feel this might be modelled most effectively [select all that apply].

Our intention is to ask our participating trainees to model the most common responses. 

The basic results are below, we are in the process of analysing these more deeply.

The most popular subjects in a line graph

We are meeting with IRIS this week to decide on dates of training to use the software. We have four students out on placement who are keen to be part of the project and we are awaiting conformation from the schools. It is a very difficult time for many teachers and schools and rightly so their focus is on the remote teaching and care of keyworker children. We have as a team decided that we will need to be flexible on how and when our participants are able to be involved. This might include videoing of remote teaching, use of an alternative professional to conduct the reflective dialogue with and a scaling back of expectations.

Iris training will take place week beginning hte 8th February with a view to using the four weeks after the February half term holiday to conduct the teaching. We have moved the research as far back as is reasonable possible to allow schools and teachers time to adapt to the changing requirements of teaching primary age children.


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