Are there any key texts I should buy before I start the programme?

This is a question we are often asked by prospective students and offer holders!

We love that enthusiasm 🙂

Every module you study at the university will have its own reading list and all the materials on that list will be available to you in the university library – often/usually also in e-book format.

There is no particular ‘course reader’, although any introductory book relating to Childhood and Youth might be found helpful. This is one such recent text from our EDU1025 ‘Introduction to Childhood and Youth’ reading list. We also recommend this study skills guide (and study skills are well supported at the university through ‘skillshub’ and by our Learning Development and library colleagues, as well as course tutors).

So, let’s say you wanted to get a head start and begin reading up before the course began… what might you do?

There are some key websites that will be useful for staying abreast of current related issues. For example:

The Children’s commissioner’s website: LINK

Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG): LINK

Young Minds website: LINK

The Department for Education: LINK

And you may wish to keep your finger on the pulse of current issues relating to children and young people through media reporting, through – for example – looking for ‘young people’ in the ‘society’ section of an online newspaper such as The Guardian: LINK

We hope these will give you some good options for getting you started with your course-related reading.


Standards that inform our programme

There are two sets of standards that particularly inform our work on the programme.

These are the national occupational standards for Youth Work

And Social Pedagogy standards

If you are considering joining us, you might find these standards interesting!