Our prep work has now concluded and we are preparing the launch our three work shop sessions to build our University personas. These sessions are cumulative to build both knowledge but also depth of understanding.
Each session will be facilitated to ensure that attendees have a great experience but also to ensure we generate a critical mass of ideas, challenges and discussion. We ask that participants sign up to one of each session so we can maintain your insight, but also so you can see the project through to completion.
Session 1: Describing: introduction to personas, explaining our context and motivation and an initial look at Personas
Book a spot: https://doodle.com/poll/9tci6pm3yni8zsba?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
Session 2: Deepening: in-depth exploration & critique of Personas
Book a spot: https://doodle.com/poll/tr2z6mry9ww2na9c?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
Session 3: Deciding: confirming final choice & ongoing use of Personas
Book a spot: https://doodle.com/poll/3yq5vquxagfyrfu6?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link